Crayons cannot be recycled in your regular recycling bin.
They are made of wax, which is non biodegradable. In fact, they can sit in landfills for over 100 years before they break down!
Instead of throwing crayons away, let’s figure out a way to recycle them!
Send your crayons to the recycling programs such as ‘National Crayon Recycling Program’, ‘Crayon Initiative’, Crayola’s ‘ColorCycle’, etc.
You can also consider contacting your local hospitals, shelters, art programs, or daycares to see if they would appreciate any crayon donations.
They are made of wax, which is non biodegradable. In fact, they can sit in landfills for over 100 years before they break down!
Instead of throwing crayons away, let’s figure out a way to recycle them!
Send your crayons to the recycling programs such as ‘National Crayon Recycling Program’, ‘Crayon Initiative’, Crayola’s ‘ColorCycle’, etc.
You can also consider contacting your local hospitals, shelters, art programs, or daycares to see if they would appreciate any crayon donations.